This website is dedicated and in tribute to the life of
Bryant Stephen Franklin
the only child of Steve and Deena Franklin.
Bryant truly demonstrated the life of a Champion.
His life greatly impacts the mission of Steve Franklin Ministries.
Bryant went home to be with the Lord
on August 4, 2003 at the age of 18,
but his fingerprints are all over this ministry!

Pastor Steve & Deena Franklin

Deena and Bryant Franklin
“Blessed are those who die in the Lord... They shall enter their rest and their ​ works shall follow them."
Revelation 14:13​
Covenant Heirs International/Steve Franklin Ministries® is a teaching, coaching and ministry-mentoring Church in the marketplace. Our mission is to Coach Champions in the Kingdom of God.
This is accomplished by teaching God’s developing Champions how to walk in their identity and inheritance in Jesus Christ and to encourage and intercede for them in that process.
Further, the ministry provides spiritual covering for several ministries associated through ordination and spiritual oversight
faith statement

God is One God, eternally existing in Three Persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ is God’s only begotten Son; conceived by the Holy Spirit; born to the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life; died for the sins of all people; was buried; was raised from the dead on the third day; has ascended into Heaven; is seated at the Father’s right hand; will return personally and visibly to the earth; is the Head of the Church and there is salvation in no one else.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God; chose to sin and thus experienced separation from God. Apart from personal salvation man stays separated from God and will experience judgment and eternal ... separation. Redemption of spirit, soul, and body was provided at the cross through the death of Jesus Christ, God’s Son, our Substitute. Salvation is available to all by the gift of God’s Grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

The Holy Spirit indwells all who rest in Christ alone for personal salvation. The Holy Spirit also convicts, fills, empowers, leads, teaches, guides, seals, sanctifies, and comforts believers.
The Holy Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God and the only standard for faith and practice.
God has designed partnership as His method of accomplishing His plan on earth. He desires that we live in partnership with Him and work in partnership with each other to fulfill His commission to make disciples throughout the earth.

We will train small groups in how to live out God’s Word in real life.
Your part, as our partner, is to hear and receive the Word of God, hold the ministry up in prayer, and to give financially as God guides you. (You will never be pressured or solicited for funds.)
At Steve Franklin Ministries®, we invite you to seek God about being in partnership with us. Our part is to teach you who you are and what you have as an heir of God and joint-heir with Christ. We will get this teaching to you through our weekly studies, tapes, cd’s, internet, and printed materials.
We believe, as Partners, that God will multiply our resources and rewards. God will see to it that you share in the reward of every life changed by the power of His Word as we minister.
Partnership has great responsibility and great reward. It is a serious and powerful commitment.
If God directs you to partner with us, we welcome you. We praise God for you and desire to serve you.